Celebrate CharityRx Founder’s Day of Service!

CharityRx Founder's Day of Service

September 16, 2023, marks the third annual CharityRx Founder’s Day of Service, a day dedicated to celebrating our commitment to serve our communities and make a positive difference in the world. This year, we are excited to continue with our theme of “Hopeless to Hopeful,” and we invite all of our CharityRx team members to join us in giving back.

Our Story

At CharityRx, we believe that everyone should have access to affordable prescription medications. That’s why in September 2019, Eric Beaumont launched CharityRx and why we celebrate Founder’s Day of Service each year as a way to give back to our local communities and make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. We have seen amazing success from our past projects, including donating to the families of the Fallen 13 U.S. Service Members in Afghanistan and raising funds for Feeding Youth USA to help reduce food insecurity.

CharityRx Founder's Day of Service
Mary, Lynne, Patty, and Matt picked oranges for Food Forward.
CharityRx Founder's Day of Service
Ray and Irma cleaned up trash for Beautify Fresno.
CharityRx Founder's Day of Service
Ben hosted an ice cream social at a local long-term care center.

The Purpose is the Prize

It’s important to remember that when participating in our Founder’s Day of Service, the purpose is the prize. We’re not here to compete with one another or measure our impact by numbers – we are simply here to give back and make a difference.

At the end of the day, the most important thing is that everyone is working together to light the map with service to those in need. We invite all team members, friends, and family to join us on this journey of transforming the Hopeless into Hopeful. Let’s come together and commit to serving others; after all, the purpose is the prize!

CharityRx Founder's Day of Service

Celebrate our Impact

On Founder’s Day, we want everyone to take a moment to reflect on how far we’ve come and celebrate the amazing impact that we have made as a company. Over the past three years, CharityRx reps have done some amazing projects that have made significant differences in their local communities. Here are just a few examples from past Founder’s Day projects:

The list goes on! We are proud of the impact we have had in our communities, but there is still much more to be done. Click below to read more about past projects.

CharityRx Founder's Day of Service
A large group of reps gathered to clean up a beach in Southern California.
CharityRx Founder's Day of Service
Tonya and her daughter cleaned up the beach in Alabama.
CharityRx Founder's Day of Service
Gay-Lynne donated books to the library of a local jail.

Take Part in Our Service Event

As we come closer to our third annual event, there’s never been a better time to get involved! On September 17, 2023, the CharityRx Leadership Team will be working with Pike’s Market Senior Center & Food Bank in Seattle to pack 600 bags of food that will be picked up by residents from their facility in the Pike’s Place Market. Any reps who are in the area are welcome to come and help with the project.

We encourage each of our reps to get creative and come up with their own ideas for their Founder’s Day projects. This year, our reps will be partnering with local charities across the country and helping the causes they are most passionate about. Whether it’s starting a clothing donation drive, organizing an outreach event, or simply taking time to check in on their neighbors – every act of kindness counts!

Get Involved

So this September 16, 2023, join us in celebrating the third annual CharityRx Founder’s Day of Service! Together, let’s make our communities happier and healthier by working to serve people and create a world where everyone can afford the prescription medications they need.

Click below to visit www.justserve.org, find a project, and get involved!

CharityRx Founder's Day of Service
CharityRx Founder's Day of Service

Service Project Ideas

As we enter our fourth year, our ambition is just as strong as ever. Here are some ideas that might provide inspiration for this upcoming event:  

  • Partner with a local non-profit to organize a clothing and food drive in your area. 
  • Run a campaign focused on health awareness and education in your community. 
  • Volunteer at a local food bank or homeless shelter to help provide meals for those in need. 
  • Find more ideas online

We can’t wait to see what amazing projects you come up with! Together, we can turn hopelessness into hope – one act of kindness at a time. No matter how you choose to get involved, your actions will make a difference! Let’s come together, share our resources, and make a lasting impact on the world around us. We’d love to hear any suggestions or ideas that you may have. Don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know what you think. Together, we can make this year an even bigger success than the last!

Thank You

We are so thankful to our CharityRx team for their commitment to making the world a better place. Our Founder’s Day of Service is an opportunity to remember the positive impact we can make when we come together and serve others. Let’s use this day as a reminder of our collective power and strive to continue making a difference in the future. 

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm for making a positive difference. We look forward to achieving great success in the coming year and being part of hope for those in need. Let’s continue our mission to light the map with service and transform the Hopeless into Hopeful! 

Every little bit counts, so let’s come together and use our skills and resources to make the world a better place! We are looking forward to the exciting third anniversary of the CharityRx Founder’s Day of Service.

Join Us on Social Media

If you’d like to join in on the conversation and share your experiences with us, please follow along with us on social media. We love to hear from our supporters and see the way you have chosen to transform the Hopeless into Hopeful in your community. When you post online, be sure to tag us using #CharityRx, #HopelessToHopeful, and #PurposeIsThePrize.

CharityRx pharmacy discount card

You can download the CharityRx discount card and get up to 80% discount on medicines at any of the partner pharmacies closest to you. The discount may vary depending on the drug and location.